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Jack Stollsteimer is the proud son of a hardworking, union family that helped shape his values and his vision for our shared future.

Jack’s dad, Fred, dropped out of Upper Darby High School at 17 to join the U.S. Army during the Korean War.  Fred came back home to Delaware County where he worked as a SEPTA bus driver and was a  member of the United Transportation Union (UTU).  

Jack’s mom, Henrietta, immigrated to America as a refugee from a Nazi slave labor camp. Henrietta and her family settled in the city of Chester in 1951.

Jack lives in Havertown with his wife Judi, son John, and daughter Sarah, both students at Haverford High School.

a history of

Fighting for Justice

For over 20 years, Jack's been on the front line of fighting for safer communities for PA families.


Jack graduated from Temple University’s Beasley School of Law, and was appointed as an Assistant Delaware County District Attorney prosecuting criminals in juvenile and adult criminal courts. 


Joined US Department of Justice. As an Assistant United States Attorney, he led a gun violence task force targeting the most violent neighborhoods in Philadelphia, and he created strategic plans to prevent gun violence before it happens.


Governor Edward G. Rendell appointed Jack as Pennsylvania’s Safe Schools Advocate. In this unique watchdog role, Philadelphia school district officials made changes in policy to better protect children and teachers from violence.


On November 5, 2019, Jack became the first Democrat ever elected District Attorney for Delaware County, the place his parents and now his family have called home since the 1950s. 

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